首页 - 关于立齐 - 管理层简介


Committee Executive Director | 集团技术总监兼执行董事

MHKIS | 香港测量师学会会员

RPS | 香港注册专业测量师 

RQCCE | 中国注册造价工程师

MSZCEA  |  深圳造价工程师协会资深会员

黄永彰先生加入立齐集团前任职威宁谢公司,于 1994 年加盟威宁谢中国有限公司,并于 2002 年加盟威宁谢咨询(深圳) 有限公司广州分公司担任总经理,2009  年晋升为董事 。先后参与了香港及广州的主要住宅、商业、酒店及工业发展项目。


Jack Wong worked in Langdon & Seah before joining LESK, he joined Langdon & Seah as an Assistant Quantity Surveyor in 1994.  He worked as General Manager of Guangzhou office in 2002 and promoted to Director in 2009. He has been involved in a wide variety of projects including major residential, commercial, hotel and industrial developments both in Hong Kong and in Guangzhou.


